DCBS Process Modernization Survey Logging
  • DCBS is exploring ways to improve employee and customer satisfaction. Your accurate and honest feedback is essential to this effort.
  • Once you have completed the survey, please make certain to save your responses; otherwise, the responses will not be recorded through the survey software.
  • Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:
  • 1. I have confidence in Central Office leadership.
  • 2. I have confidence in regional management (i.e. SRA, SRAA).
  • 3. I have confidence in my team leadership (i.e. supervisors, principles).
  • 4. Regional management takes into account local practice issues when implementing policy and program changes.
  • 5. Supervisors provide clear plans to get work done with clearly defined priorities.
  • 6. Performance standards are clearly defined and understood.
  • 7. Evaluation criteria accurately assess the activities required to perform my role at a high level.
  • 8. I receive regular feedback on my performance.
  • 9. I have the skills I need to do my job.
  • 10. The process I use today to work my cases is the most effective and efficient.
  • 11. Changes in work processes and/or program policies are clearly communicated in a timely and effective manner.
  • 12. DCBS provides adequate training opportunities.
  • 13. My supervisor values my ideas and suggestions.
  • 14. The training I receive provides me with what I need to know in order to do my job effectively.
  • 15. I feel there are opportunities to advance within DCBS.
  • 16. I am comfortable using SharePoint sites (as applicable).
  • 17. I am comfortable using basic Microsoft Office Suite programs (i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint).
  • 18. I would be willing to try a different process if it resulted in lower case loads, reduced overtime, the ability to leave work on time, and/or the ability to enjoy my time off from work.
  • 19. Better technology usage would make my day to day job easier.
  • 20. I would use technology to manage my day to day activities if I had more training and ongoing support.
  • 21. A 1-800 number for family support inquiries would be helpful in managing client questions.
  • 22. Please indicate below the process you are currently using. (Check one.)

  • 23. What is your current position within DCBS Family Support? (Select one from the drop down box.)
If Other, Specify
  • 24. Which programs do you work with? (Check all that apply.)
  • 25. How long have you worked at DCBS? (Check one.)

  • 26. How long do you plan to stay with DCBS? (Check one.)

  • 27. In what county do you work? (Please select one from the drop down box.)
  • In the space provided below, please write in any comments or feedback you have about DCBS processes – including opinions about what is working well in your office, and what process improvements would significantly improve the organization.
Thank You!
  • Thank you for participating in this survey. Please make sure to click "Submit" to insure that your answers are recorded.
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