An in-person support group for grandparents’ raising grandchildren in Kentucky is offered in the following counties:
Anderson County (502) 680-6634
Hardin County (270) 300-4966
Kenton (859) 356-3155
Meade County (270) 422-7512
Muhlenberg County (270) 338-3124
Murray City Schools Family Resource and Youth Services (270) 759-9592
Neighborhood Place of the Greater Cane Run Area Louisville, KY (502) 485-6826
Owensboro (270) 686-1159
Southern Hardin County (270) 369-6238
Greenup County Caregiver Support Group:
This support group meets quarterly in Greenup County and often includes speakers on the subject of grandparents raising grandchildren. The group also offers referrals for kinship care services and holds conference and workshops for grandparents raising grandchildren. Greenup, Boyd, Carter, Elliot, Lawrence Counties (606) 929-1366 or