Cabinet for Health and Family Services

Kentucky Child / Adult Protective Services Reporting System

APS/CPS Active Report Worker Search

Welcome to the search screen for active reports of abuse, dependency, exploitation, or neglect that have been submitted to the Department for Community Based Services.

This site will allow individuals that are identified within KRS as having a legitimate interest in an APS/CPS case to search for an active investigation and identify the current assigned worker and contact information.

The information on this page is available to the following individuals/entities for APS cases based on KRS 209.140:

  • Persons within the Department for Community Based Services or Cabinet for Health and Family Services with a legitimate interest or responsibility related to the case; and

  • Other medical, psychological, or social service agencies, or law enforcement agencies that have a legitimate interest in the case.

The information on this page is available to the following individuals/entities for CPS cases based on KRS 620.050:

  • Person within the Cabinet for Health and Family Services with a legitimate interest or responsibility in the case.

  • A licensed child-caring facility or child-placing agency evaluating placement for or serving a child who is believed to be the victim of an abuse, neglect, or dependency report; or

  • Other medical, psychological, educational, or social services agencies, childcare administrators, corrections personnel, or law enforcement agencies, including the county attorney’s office, the coroner, and the local child fatality response team, that have a legitimate interest in the case.

Fraudulent use of this system for any other reason is restricted and controlled by Criminal Penal Code.