Youth in state’s care have certain rights.

A child who is placed in foster care shall be considered a primary partner and member of a professional team. A foster child, as the most integral part of the professional team, shall have the following rights to:

  • Receive, free of charge when he or she is eighteen (18) years or older and preparing to exit foster care, the following:
    • An official birth certificate
    • A Social Security card
    • Health insurance information
    • A state-issued identification card; and 
    • A copy of the child's cabinet case history, including: 

1. Family medical history

2. Placement history records; and 

3. The child's medical records, including physical, dental, vision, and mental health records

What should you do if you believe one of your rights have been violated?


Office of the Ombudsman
(800) 372-2973

Rights of Youth in Foster Care