Local Coordinating Councils on Elder Maltreatment

Local Coordinating Councils on Elder Abuse (LCCEA) were established under the joint leadership of the Area Agencies on Aging and local Adult Protective Services (APS) staff of the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services and are organized along regional or county lines, depending on the needs of each location. Membership of each coordinating council includes APS staff, local law enforcement officers, judges, prosecutors, state police, bankers, care providers, long-term care ombudsman and other advocates for the elderly. The council’s goals are:

• develop and build an effective communitywide system of prevention and intervention that is responsive to the need of victims, perpetrators, family members and formal or informal caretakers.

• identify and coordinate the roles and services of local agencies that work with elder abused, neglected or exploited victims and to investigate or prosecute elder abuse cases.

• monitor, evaluate, and promote the quality and effectiveness of services and protection in the community.

• promote a clear understanding of elder abuse, current laws, elder rights and resources available in the community.

• serve as a clearinghouse for information on elder issues.

Local Coordinating Councils on Elder Abuse Map

Click here to access a map to locate a council in your area. If there is not one in your area, consider starting your own council to help meet the needs in your community.

Model Protocol for Local Coordinating Councils on Elder Maltreatment

If you are interested in organizing a council in your community, the Model Protocol is a good starting point. This protocol offers ideas, guidelines, resources, and tools to make it easier to start and operate a successful council that meets your community’s needs.

Calendar of Event

Staying Connected: Elder Abuse Prevention and Awareness News

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